About our Study

The goal of this trial is to compare the effect of a web-based educational video about pneumococcal vaccines and a reminder email to get vaccinated (intervention) with a reminder email alone (comparator) in adults aged 65 or older living in any Canadian province who reported not having received a pneumococcal vaccine.

The main questions this trial aims to answer are:
  1. Does the educational intervention improve pneumococcal vaccine uptake?
  2. Does the educational intervention improve willingness to be vaccinated?
  3. Does the educational intervention improve knowledge of and attitudes towards pneumococcal vaccines/vaccination?
Eligible participants who provide electronic consent will:
  1. Fill out a web-based baseline survey.
  2. Receive access to the educational video (if assigned to the intervention group).
  3. Receive an email reminder to be vaccinated (both groups).
  4. Fill in a web-based follow-up survey.